Oh, it was precious. As I've mentioned before, Ellie has been going to therapy camp for a month. Yesterday was her last day and they made a big to-do about it. Rightly so. Ellie worked her booty off! She was so excited about showing off (parents, grandparents, etc. were invited to watch the "ceremonies"). She was almost *too* excited, because her muscle control suffers when her adrenaline rushes. Sweet girl!
Ellie leads the procession...
One of the things Ellie worked REALLY hard on this month was learning how to get down onto a seat or stool from her walker, or in this case, canes. She's *this* close to being able to do it herself!
Sittin' pretty while the other kids receive their certificates...
FINALLY, it's Ellie's turn!
Precious girl is so excited that her walking is hindered! Gemma still needed to put her foot in between Ellie's legs so that she wouldn't criss-cross. As you can also see, Ellie's been working on walking with canes this month. This is a 'step up' from her walker, and significantly more difficult for her. But, Gemma (her therapist) felt she was doing so well in her walker that it was time to step it up (pun intended)....It's slow-going, but she's gettin' it. Ellie took 4 steps all by herself with her canes this week!
There it is: THE DIPLOMA!
I don't think she's ever been asked to "shake hands" before!
My mom bought Ellie a graduation gift: butterfly/fairy wings. It was nauseatingly fitting, given that the Movement Centre logo is a butterfly (see back wall paintings). Ellie was beyond thrilled, especially since she now has wings "just like Abby Cadabby" from Sesame Street....
Showing off the t-shirt all the kids made that morning. It reads, "I Survived Boot Camp 2009". Pretty accurate!
Mr. Cake-meister Reeechard and his butterfly creation for the post-grad partay...
Oh, so so precious!
Congratulations to Miss Ellie! So proud of all her incredible hard work!
(Also: that cake? Unbelievable.)
OH MY GOSH! WOW, Ellie looks fabulous on those canes!! OH Chrystie, this is so exciting. Ellie is so adorable. You know how I love, love conductive ed. Can I come live with ya'll? LOL!
Way to Go Ellie!!!!
Oh Ellie! My eyes are filled with tears and my heart with pride and joy! What amazing progress from the walker to canes! They are trying arm crutches with Malayna right now and she despises them, I think because of the arm cuffs. Maybe she wouldn't feel so restricted with the canes. Ellie, you continue to be an inspiration, you are such a hard worker! What a great center you have there! And I LOVE the butterfly wings and cake!
I am SO proud of this little girl! She is doing amazing!
I'm glad I got to see her at camp one day anyway! Graduation would have been fun to see too. . . enjoyed the pictures.
Why is it that I have tears streaming down my face?! Seriously...the way we are able to share in the joy of total strangers is...something else. :)
Way to go big girl!!! So very many people are so proud of you and stand with your family...in your corner...cheering!
WTG Ellie!
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